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Construction history of the bishops' castle in Lidzbark Warmiński

2016-03-30 13:14:35 (ost. akt: 2021-09-02 19:14:05)

Castle in Lidzbark Warmiński, basement -1, north wing

Bulla ołowiana papieża Marcina V (1417–1431), 
Rzym, dwór papieski, odlew o średnicy 3,8 cm

Bulla ołowiana papieża Marcina V (1417–1431), Rzym, dwór papieski, odlew o średnicy 3,8 cm

Author: Andrzej Gołembnik

Exhibition: "Construction history of the bishops' castle in Lidzbark Warmiński"
Screenplay: Iwona B. Kluk, Andrzej Rzempołuch
Curators: Andrzej Rzempołuch, Małgorzata Jackiewicz-Garniec, cooperation: Damian Zawada
Design, technical realization: Monument Service, Gorek Restauro

Place: Warmia Museum in Lidzbark Warmiński, Branch of the Museum of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Open to the public from 16 April 2016

The exhibition was created as part of the 2nd stage of the project "Conservation and restoration of the 14th-century castle in Lidzbark Warmiński - pearls of Gothic architecture in Poland - ii stage." It is presented in a specially renovated upper cellar of the northern wing of the castle of the Warmian bishops in Lidzbark Warmiński

We illustrate the title construction history with the help of monuments excavated or found within the castle complex, which refer to specific stages of construction and then modernization of the residence. These are building elements, structural details, stove tiles, weapon elements, tools and everyday objects – as well as unique artistic products and valuables – related to specific episodes in the history of the residence. A review of the process of construction and further transformations of the headquarters of the Warmian bishops was included in a systematized chronological and thematic sequence under the slogans ( "Brick castle", "Painted castle", "Lidzbark residence in the times of Łukasz Watzenrode and Nicolaus Copernicus", "Bishop Ignacy Krasicki says goodbye to Lidzbark"). An important educational role is played by a model of the castle complex, the Prussian hillfort, the visualization of the old castle furnace. The sum of knowledge about the magnificence and transformations of the former residence of the Warmian bishops, supplemented by legends related to the Lidzbark castle, was included in the form of multimedia presentations. The entire exhibition has also been adapted for sightseeing by blind and visually impaired people.

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Exhibition Construction history of the bishops' castle in Lidzbark Warmiński

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